Race Alerts
6 February, Trishave Kurnell Race Round 3 – Entries close this Wednesday evening and the field is almost full so enter now if you want a start in Sydney’s premier triathlon series. http://www.trinswrace.org/default.asp?PageID=1120
Round 4, the Grand Final, is on February 27th. With less than 90 slots remaining for a chance to participate in the NSW Sprint Championship you better get your entry in today. All participants will receive a high quality technical t shirt. You won’t be using this one to wash your car. http://www.trinswrace.org/default.asp?PageID=1120
March 13, the All Womens triathlon at Penrith Lakes. Ladies if you missed out on getting an entry into Husky then this race is for you. Note that start times are significantly different to previous races meaning you won’t be standing around out there for hours or racing in the middle of the day. Check the event details on the Tri NSW website at www.trinswrace.org.au
Don’t forget these other great races coming up in February –
12 February, Bay Multisport Adventure race, Port Stephens – for those wanting to try something different it’s a 1.6k swim, 15k mtb, 9k kayak & a 14k run. For more information contact Paul Humphreys at paul@hevents.net or check the website at www.hevents.net
13 February, Callala Beach. A beautiful location for a race. Races over several distances including a Miniman for the kids, enticer, sprint and Olympic distance. Contact Mark Emerton, emo@eliteenergy.com.au for further details or check the website at www.eliteenergy.com.au
20 February, Round 1 of the Australian Championship series over the Olympic distance for age group athletes is on in Geelong, Victoria. Check the website at www.triathlon.org.au
20 February, Trial Bay Triathlon, South West Rocks – 500S/ 26k C/ 6k R. Check this site for more information – www.coastline.com.au
20 February, Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims over various distances – check the website for more details at www.au.srichinmoyraces.org