- Olympic. An impressive 5th place by Mitchell Brown in the Open Division and 8th overall. Silver medals to Brett Camm and Ashley Hale and a big pat on the back to Tim O’Connell who showed he can do OD just as well as Sprint by winning bronze. It was great to see Ash and Tim taking out two of the top three places in their age group. Maybe one better next time guys?

A big pat on the back too to those who made the trek out to Wagga last week. Apparently it was great racing and some great results.
- Enticer. This was one for the Crosslands with Brooke and Michael both winning medals. Brooke’s may have been bronze while Michael took silver, but at least Brooke can say she still beat dad by a handy five minutes! Well done both of you.
- Sprint. A return to the medal podium for Kylie Stewart who won silver in her age group and placed 10thin the females overall. Silver too, for Bill Frazer who led a strong showing from our “Ulladulla” members – congratulations too to Kate Staples and Stacey Wilesmith who both put in good races.
- Olympic. And speaking of podium returns, it was also good to see Bill Stahlhut back in good health and winning silver.
It looks like a hell of a day out, but congratulations anyway to Tibor Slezak who competed in Fitz Epic a few weeks back. The ride follows a 205km course through the Brindabella mountains near Canberra and Tibor finished in 9:55:38. His email says it all: “One of the most insane rides I’ve ever done. Sore bum, chaffing, sun burn…………..” There’s a 250km option he might want to think about next year! Awesome effort Tibor. You can see some of the ride – including those 4000 metres climbed – at http://app.strava.com/rides/26332389
A great day at Iluka last month – and a big thank you to the volunteers who helped to make it possible. Don’t forget that even if you’re not taking part yourself, the Club always needs marshalls to ensure the training session can happen.
The last event of the year is on December 16 at 8am– hope to see many of you there! Don’t forget that Club members receive discounted entry ($5 vs $10 for visitors) and junior members participate for free! S be sure to bring your membership card along.
Good luck to everyone competing at Callala next weekend. It’s one of the best races on the Elite Energy calendar and there will be plenty of JB members in action. Don’t forget to let Annette know which race and age group you’ll be competing in. Email annettesampson1@gmail.com or post on the Facebook page.
We’re still looking for a new name for the old Shark Bait Swim which will be held on March 17 this year. We need something fun and catchy – Chris Stubbs is even talking about a prize if someone can come up with a winner. If you’ve got any ideas, get them to one of the Committee before the Club meeting later this month. Chris is also looking for volunteers to help out both before and on the day of the event. If you can help, email chris.stubbs@caresouth.org.au
Kona rematch? Spotted at a popular Milsons Point physio was our Iron-woman Louise Heywood who competed in Kona a couple of months back. Despite still being troubled by a sore hamstring, Louise is itching to get back to Kona next year to try to improve on her already impressive performance. Go Louise!
Best wishes. To Cathy Head and Tony McGowan who are both out of action. Hope you recover fast and get back to triathlon soon guys!

First Triathlon: Mini Man Husky II 2008
Favourite Food: Cherries and strawberries
Favourite Band: Many
Greatest Strength in triathlon: Bike
What you would like to improve in triathlon: My running
Other Favourite Pastimes: Soccer & surfing
Favourite TV Show: Beauty & the geek
Favourite Movie: Avengers
Sporstperson you admire: Cathy Boyce
Goals for 2012-2013 season: To complete the sprint at Nowra triathlon.
Favourite Holiday Destination: Bali
Favourite Meal You Like To Cook: Bangers & Mash
One Tip For Upcoming Juniors: Go hard and also remember to have fun
Funniest triathlon Experience: At Husky II this year, in the swim there was this person swimming next to me the whole time. This person kept kicking and elbowing me thoughout the swim. I couldn’t wait to get out of the water to see who this annoying person was! As I got out of the swim I turned around to see that the person who was kicking and elbowing me in the swim was my best friend Isabelle Egan.
Before being diagnosed with prostate cancer, Ken Price knew little about the disease and after a lifetime of participation in various sports, subconsciously assumed that because he was fit and healthy it was of no real concern to him. The diagnosis certainly brought home the fact that even otherwise very healthy people are not immune!
Despite going through a tough time both physically and emotionally after the operation to remove the cancer, Ken is now back competing in cycling and triathlon. However he wondered whether he could use the experience in a positive way. From this grew the idea of the Pro-State Triathlon Project.
As a first step, Ken entered the Pro-State Triathlon Team in the sprint race at Husky 1 consisting of himself and two other triathletes who have survived prostate cancer. Much to their surprise, and despite having a combined age of 186, the Pro-States managed to come away with a gold medal against much younger teams. Not bad for a bunch of old cancer survivors!

After the race, organiser Elite Energy, offered free entry to any one of their races this season, for all competitors over 50 who had competed that day and were subsequently screened for prostate cancer. This generous and unexpected gesture was greatly appreciated by the Pro-States.
Since his operation, Ken has learnt that the disease is more prevalent amongst men than breast cancer is amongst women, killing about 100 people a day in the US. It begs more research funding and co-ordinated support for sufferers, many of whom are distressed and embarrassed by their plight and being men, are hesitant to discuss it.
Anyone wanting further information or to purchase a t-shirt is welcome to phone Ken on 0426-270-980 or email him at kenwprice@bigpond.com. Alternatively, they can make a donation to help prostate cancer research at http://pcfafundraising.org.au/Pro-State_Triathlon_Project
Membership. Thank you to the 130+ members who have already paid their 2012/13 membership fees. For those who haven’t got around to it yet, membership can be paid online athttp://regonline.activeglobal.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1111011
Cost is $25 for individuals, $50 for families.
Members are also encouraged to take out membership of Triathlon Australia which offers insurance, race discounts and other benefits. http://www.triathlon.org.au/Membership/Annual_Membership.htm
Uniforms. The good news is the new uniforms are on their way and likely to arrive in the next couple of days. Check your emails for details of where and when to pick them up when they arrive. Tony McGowan has also ordered a store of silicon swim caps with the Club logo. At just $10 each they’re great value and it would look great if everyone was wearing one at Iluka! Contact Tony if you woud like to order or find out more about Club gear – tjmcg@bigpond.com
Meeting. A reminder that the next Club meeting is at 7pm on December 20 at St Georges Basin Country Club. All members are welcome, so if you’ve got anything you’d like to discuss or suggest, come along.
Insurance. A reminder that TriNSW’s insurance only applies to financial members of Triathlon Australia. JB Tri Club members receive discounted TA membership. Info at www.trinswrace.org
Facebook. If you’re not already signed up to the JB Tri Club Facebook page, you can find it at http://www.facebook.com/JervisBayTriathlonClub. There’s heaps of information on the club’s activities, what members are up to, and all matters triathlon.
There’s also the Club’s website, www.jervisbaytriathlonclub.org,
Email list. Know someone who isn’t getting their Club emails? Contact tony@strmultimedia.com.au
· The Saturday morning swim is at Husky beach at 8am on Saturday mornings. The water has been improving a lot in recent weeks – it might soon be time to venture in without the wetsuit!
· Saturday bike ride. Leaves from Vincentia Service Station at 6.30 am for the National Park. It’s still the famous “banana ride” – peel off when you need to.
· The Criterium has started again at St George’s Basin on Wednesday nights. Starts around 6:15 near Aroma. Contact Shane at Bikes at the Basin for more info.
FEEDBACK. Got some news or thoughts you’d like to share? Have we missed any of your achievements? Send any ideas, news, photos etc to annettesampson1@gmail.com Or just post on the Club’s Facebook page.