Congratulations to everyone who competed at Husky I last weekend! It was a brilliant effort. Tri-newbies finishing their first race, medal winners, team efforts – we had it all.
A big slap on the back to Mandy Meredith, Tim O’Shea, Ken Price, Nicole Rattenbury and Bill Stahlhut who all went home with gold medals for winning their age groups. Cathy Head and Jeremy Sutton also took home shiny gold souveneirs for Team Pimped which won the mixed teams category in the sprint. Silver medal winners included Hugh Harrison, Mitchell Brown, Trent Goodman, Kylie Stewart, Ashley Hale, and The A Team (Annette Sampson and Angela Bond) while Marcus Vowels, Tim O’Connell and Renae Watkins (pictured) won bronze.
Special mentions go to:
* Kathy Lewis who achieved her goal of doing a triathlon before she turned 50. Go Kathy! Imagine how fast you’ll be at 60.
* Mitchell Brown (pictured) and Hugh Harrison who placed 4th and 9th overall in the Sprint. Two top 10 finishers is an awesome achievement.
* Mandy Meredith who ignored husband Ken’s advice not to run in the Enticer to win the women’s 50-59 age group.
* Nicole Rattenbury and Kylie Stewart (pictured) for taking out 1 and 2 in the women’s 40-44 Sprint age group. Pity we didn’t have a third competitor to make it a clean sweep.
*Jeremy Sutton for backing up after his Sprint team effort to complete the Olympic distance – even if he WAS a bit slow!
* Katie Winkworth – our sole solo Olympic distance representative who might have been pushed into 4th place in her age group, but still managed to be the 7th female over the line.
* And all those club members who didn’t compete but came along to offer support and encouragement.
Results and pics on the website at
Let us know if we’ve missed you, and if you’ve got any pix to add send them too!
CSSA Tri.Congrulations too to Hugh Harrison for his efforts last month at the Catholic Secondary Schools Association triathlon. First in both the individual and team categories!
Tele Turtles. For those who missed it, Ashley Hale organised a great story on the Turtles in the Sunday Telegraph last month. The article is now locked behind a News Ltd paywall but if you subscribe you should be able to view it at – just search for Jodie Hale (pictured) or Cathy Head.
Bird man.
What is it about Dave Edwards and animals? After being taken out by a small white dog while riding criterium last year, Dave reports he had another close wildlife encounter at the first session this year. This time it was a large rosella that flew straight into him. Fortunately no damage done.
Fitz’s Challenge.
They call it Australia’s toughest cycle challenge, so of course it’s one for Tibor Slezak! While many of us were racing at Husky last weekend, Tibor spent a gruelling (almost) seven hours riding the mountains around Canberra.
“Another tough day in the office,” he reports. “The wind picked up and was in your face blowing 25-35kph between 95km and 145km into the ride. The last 20 km consisted of 15km crosswind and tailwind for the last 5km.
“Fitz’s Challenge does not get easier the more times you ride it. A lot of riders were doing it tough – I saw a few walking their bikes up some of the hills.”
Upcoming races. Good luck to those Club members making the trek inland to Wagga later this month for the next race in the Elite Energy series. Also to Jay and Paula Luke who are racing at Port Macquarie this weekend and anyone else who has a race coming up. Be sure to notify when you’ve got a race coming up – it makes it much easier to keep track of everyone’s results. The next local race is at Callala Beach on December 11.
Conditions were perfect for our first Club Triathlon training event last month and we’re hoping even more members will be able to make it along this month. Date: November 20. Usual drill: 8am start at Iluka in Booderee National Park, both long and short distances, beginners and non members welcome. Fees: $5 for members, $10 for visitors.
Membership. Thanks to everyone who has paid their membership fees for the 2010/11 financial year. If you haven’t renewed, fees are $25 a head or $50 for families.
Payments can be made electronically to: Jervis Bay Triathlon Club Bendigo Bank, BSB:633-000, a/c: 134736297. Or posted to: Jervis Bay Triathlon Club, PO Box 138, Huskisson, NSW 2540. For electronic payments please send a receipt to
Or just bring your money along to Iluka.
Insurance. A reminder that TriNSW’s member insurance only applies to financial members of Triathlon Australia. JB Tri Club members receive discounted TA membership. Info at
Next meeting. The next Club meeting is on November 17 at 7pm at St George’s Basin Country Club. All welcome.
Shark Bait Swim. A huge thanks to Chris Stubbs who now has the inaugural Jervis Bay Shark Bait Swim listed on the oceanswims web site. Keep an eye on the Club’s website for details and put March 18 in your diaries. It will be an event not to be missed!
Facebook. Don’t forget the JB Tri Club Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with the Club and other members. A big thank you to Katie and Sue Winkworth who have generously uploaded around 80 photos of members in action at Husky I. If you’re not already signed up, get online or talk to Tony Lim. There’s also the Club’s website,, or you can contact members via
Email list. Know someone who isn’tgetting the newsletter and other club info? We’re updating our membership and contactslist. Contact
Training sessions. If anyone wants to get a new training session up, let us know and we’ll list it here and on the website.
• Saturday bike ride. Leaves from Vincentia Service Station at 6.30 am for the National Park. It’s still the famous “banana ride” – peel off when you need to. Options range from Murrays Beach return to Summercloud Bay and Caves beach, or join the diehards and cycle on.
• The Turtles are back swimming on Saturday mornings at 8am. Meet at the northern car park at Husky’s main beach.
Got some news or thoughts you’d like to share? ? Send any ideas, news, photos etc to or Or just post on the Club’s Facebook page.
5 Brooke CROSSLAND 00:37:16 12-13 F 00:06:41 00:19:04 00:11:29
6 Chelsea OATEN 00:39:01 12-13 F 00:08:28 00:19:24 00:11:08
13 Julia ANDRE 00:44:20 12-13 F 00:08:26 00:25:41 00:10:12
4 Amber GRAINGER 00:38:28 30-39 F 00:07:25 00:21:53 00:09:09
18 Jodie HALE 00:43:02 30-39 F 00:09:22 00:22:11 00:11:28
8 Kathy LEWIS 00:43:21 40-49 F 00:08:52 00:22:29 00:11:58
17 Nina SANTANGELO 00:48:42 40-49 F 00:08:17 00:26:54 00:13:29
1 Mandy MEREDITH 00:38:41 50-59 F 00:06:56 00:18:48 00:12:56
5 Sean OATEN 00:33:38 12-13 M 00:06:34 00:18:10 00:08:52
9 Dylan OATEN 00:36:42 12-13 M 00:07:35 00:18:17 00:10:49
4 Geoff LEWIS 00:39:53 50-59 M 00:08:06 00:20:57 00:10:49
3 Marcus VOWELS 00:41:23 60+ M 00:07:54 00:22:03 00:11:25
3 Renae WATKINS 01:23:10 35-39 F 00:14:06 00:42:47 00:26:16
1 Nicole RATTENBURY 01:22:27 40-44 F 00:13:57 00:42:45 00:25:45
2 Kylie STEWART 01:23:55 40-44 F 00:13:19 00:43:44 00:26:51
1 Tim O’SHEA 01:07:58 14-15 M 00:11:15 00:36:54 00:19:48
2 Hugh HARRISON 01:04:20 16-17 M 00:10:23 00:35:34 00:18:21
5 Jack STEWART 01:11:10 16-17 M 00:09:32 00:40:53 00:20:44
6 Luke HARDEN 01:16:02 16-17 M 00:14:22 00:37:14 00:24:24
2 Mitchell BROWN 01:02:24 18-19 M 00:09:37 00:35:18 00:17:27
4 Matt LEWIS 01:13:03 18-19 M 00:12:56 00:38:23 00:21:42
2 Trent GOODMAN 01:09:06 20-24 M 00:12:29 00:36:51 00:19:45
9 Kial KILGALLON 01:28:45 20-24 M 00:13:45 00:47:33 00:27:26
20 Kierrin MCKNIGHT 01:29:56 35-39 M 00:11:32 00:50:28 00:27:55
4 Stephen MOORE 01:16:11 45-49 M 00:11:21 00:41:46 00:23:03
5 Neil GALLETLY 01:22:02 50-54 M 00:12:22 00:42:18 00:27:21
1 Ken PRICE 01:22:18 60-64 M 00:14:49 00:39:28 00:28:00
3 Tim OCONNELL 01:09:09 40-44 Male 00:11:13 00:36:34 00:21:20
1 PIMPED 01:10:01 Unisex 00:12:56 00:36:02 00:21:02
4 Katie WINKWORTH 02:29:13 20-24 F 00:22:34 01:16:05 00:47:53
1 Bill STAHLHUT 02:18:33 50-54 M 00:24:28 01:10:29 00:40:30
2 Ashley HALE 02:25:26 40-44 M 00:23:17 01:14:57 00:45:10
18 David EDWARDS 02:32:32 35-39 M 00:23:57 01:15:17 00:50:27
14 Chris STUBBS 02:37:25 40-44 M 00:24:26 01:17:36 00:52:29
4 Chris VINCE 02:51:25 50-54 M 00:24:06 01:23:04 01:01:28
37 Jeremy SUTTON 03:01:48 35-39 M 00:25:53 01:18:27 01:12:13
2 THE A TEAM 02:36:39 Female 00:25:30 01:15:23 00:53:02