Newsletter 10

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Athlete news
Iluka tri training
Club update
Training groups
Results and race reports

Now that’s dedication. Officials came close to calling off the swim in last weekend’s Capital Summer Triathlon due to high levels of blue green algae and bacteria in Lake Burley Griffin. But it went ahead, and despite reports from athletes that it was a bit like swimming in soup, Bill Stahlhut, Louise Heywood and Katie Winkworth all put in strong performances and earned qualifying points for next year’s Olympic Distance world championships in Auckland. Katie reports it was a “pretty good venue, fast course… lol. Lots of very ripped bodies getting around.”

Bill placed fifth in the 50-54 age group, in 2:16:37 largely thanks to a great 39:35 run leg which was the 3rd fastest in his age group. Those sub 4min/kms are getting to be a habit Bill!
Louise placed 7th in the 45-49 females in 2:38:57, coming 2nd in her age group on the bike. And Katie finished 11th in the 20-24 females in 2:37:35. Not bad considering she has been unable to run since Wagga. No wonder they’re looking satisfied with themselves! Full results at the end of the newsletter.

A great turn-out from the Club at Callala! Well done everyone.
Gold medals to Louise Heywood and Matt Lewis in the Club distance, Tim O’Connell in the Sprint, and Marcus Vowels in the Enticer.
Luke Harden, Ashley Hale, and Bill Stahlhut all won silver in the Club. Elisha Bell, Annette Sampson, Jack Stewart, and Brendon Kelly won silver in the Sprint, and Rebecca Kenny, Colleen Stahlhut and Geoff Lewis scored silver in the Enticer.

Bronze medals went to Kylie Stewart in the Club, Tony McGowan and James Dixon in the Sprint, and Kelsey Brown and Kim Domozar in the Enticer.
Full results at the end of the newsletter, but a few special mentions:
* New members Kim Domozar, Rebecca Kenny, and Geoff Lewis for their amazing performances.
* Colleen Stahlhut for winning her first triathlon medal.
* Tim O’Shea who had finished 11th overall in the Sprint but just missed out on a bronze.
* Mitchell Brown and Hugh Harrison for recording some impressive race times in the elite Pro Tour category. Mitchell finished the Sprint course in under an hour!
* Elisha Bell who was the fastest female age-group runner in the Sprint – 5kms in 18:53. Not bad for a new Mum!
* Jack Stewart – the second fastest age-group swimmer in the Sprint, finishing the 750m (and a bit, Emo had set the buoys before the tide came in!!!) in 11:33.
* Annette Sampson – the second fastest age-group female on the bike in the Sprint, completing the 20kms in 36:01.
* Tim O’Connell who set a new PB of 1:04:43 in the Sprint to finsh 9th overall.
* Julia Andre who was the 10th fastest female in the Enticer finishing in 31:38.
* And Tibor Slezak who made more than one spectator wonder if they’d had a few too many pre-Christmas drinks when they spotted him out on the Club course in full Santa suit!

Well done too to Tony Lim, Kate Manderson and Chris Vince for their recent finishes at Ironman Western Australia. Tony and Kate have kindly put together race reports for members wondering what it feels like to swim 3.8km, ride 180km, and then run a marathon just for the hell of it! You can read all the details later in the newsletter.
They report it was a long, hard, hot day but all three made the finish line – Tony in 14:10:14, Kate in 16:26:03, and Chris in 16:26:05. Tony was 8th in the 60-64 age group!

Phuket. Talk about destination races! While the rest of us were racing in Oz, Jeremy Sutton headed off to the resort island of Phuket in Thailand to compete in the Ironman 70.3 Asia Pacific Championship. He finished in 5:55:39.
Macca attack.Keep a close eye on Matt Lewis and Jack Stewart next time you see them racing. The pair might have a few trade secrets up their sleeves after a training session with tri legend Chris McCormack at Engadine last Saturday. Learn any tips you’d care to pass on to the rest of us, guys?

Under the knife. Best of luck to Paul Coombes who is stepping up his campaign to outrun Marcus by getting a new knee next month. Be warned Marcus, he’s getting a “triathlon knee”. We kid you not! He says it’s Canadian, like his bike.
Nowra. Good luck too to everyone racing at Nowra next month. Go hard and do JB proud! To help collate the Club’s results, could those competing send your name, age group and event to
Cycle to the Sun. Tibor said it was something we should all do… one day. Check out the video of his ride to the sun at
Thanks to everyone who made it along to the December training session at Iluka. Keeping with tradition, this was a departure from the normal format with everyone doing the short course in a team – mostly comprising one “short course” person and one long. Proving that youth and experience can be a deadly mix, Mark Emerton and Chelsea Oaten left all the others in their wake but a good time was had by all.
Special thanks to Emo and Elite Energy for donating a pair of Shimano shoes as a pre-Xmas giveaway. Rick O’Shea is their proud new owner.
January. A reminder that, due to the holiday crowds, next month’s Club training day will not be at Iluka. We’ll be holding an aquathon at Husky instead on the 15th. Meet at the carpark at the northern end of Sailors Beach (more commonly known as Husky Beach). It will be a swim/run followed by a post-Christmas picnic so keep the morning free and bring your friends/family along.
General Meeting. The Club’s next general meeting is on January 19 at St Georges Basin Country Club at 7pm. All welcome.
Membership. If you haven’t renewed your membership for the 2011/12 year, fees are $25 a head or $50 for families. Payment can be made electronically to: Jervis Bay Triathlon Club Bendigo Bank, BSB:633-000, a/c: 134736297. Please send a receipt to

Insurance. A reminder that TriNSW’s insurance only applies to financial members of Triathlon Australia. JB Tri Club members receive discounted TA membership. Info at

Shark Bait Swim. Don’t forget to keep March 18 free for what promises to be a great day of ocean swimming at Plantation Point. Further details/entry information as it becomes available.

Facebook. If you’re not already signed up to the JB Tri Club Facebook page, get online or talk to Tony Lim. There’s also the Club’s website,, or you can contact members via

Email list. Know someone who isn’t getting their Club emails? Contact


A couple of new ones this month.
With the warmer weather a growing number of members are turning up to the “Turtles” ocean swim at Husky on Saturday mornings at 8am. Some members are now extending this with a post-swim ride and run. Come along for part or all of the morning’s training.
Saturday bike ride. Leaves from Vincentia Service Station at 6.30 am for the National Park. It’s still the famous “banana ride” – peel off when you need to.
If you wan to to brush up on your cycling skills, Shane Woods organises a Criterium over at the Basin on Wednesday evenings. Contact Bikes at the Basin for details.


Chris and Kate’s Very Long Day in Busselton. The morning started at 0330 for breakfast, dark and cool and a very light breeze, and WAY too early for normal people. Iron people are not normal people, obviously! First light at about 0430, by which time we were on our way to the bikes to make sure everything was in order. Such a buzz of excitement, trepidation, outright fear….And such a long line for the portaloos. Anxiety is a beautiful thing, it makes you go faster. Literally.

At the waterfront, more than 1500 age-group athletes are standing in the cool clear water waiting for the siren. The pros are already halfway along the 1.9km jetty by the time we start, Chris close to the front and me hanging back – the further back I am, the fewer people will swim over the top of me! It’s a beautiful swim alongside the jetty, fish and seagrass to take your mind off the distance. Chris finished in 1:04, a bit disappointed not to go closer to the hour (I slapped him when he said that), and I managed 1:39, quite pleased as I was aiming for 1:45.

Up to T1 and out on the road. My computer tells me it was 50 degrees on the bike with a gale force headwind. Well, actually it was 38C, and a stiff breeze on the way out that became a great tailwind back into town, but it felt like 50C. The thing about Busselton is that the race is totally hill-free, but your bum comes off second best. 180km in the saddle. Ouch. Plenty of Powerbars, plenty of Gatorade, and plenty of “Why am I doing this/I’m never doing this again”, and before you know it you’re finishing your third lap.

The girls in the change tent gave a big cheer when I came in to T2, which brought tears to my exhausted eyes. Never ever forget to thank the volunteers! Off on the marathon run/jog/shuffle/walk/limp leg. My race strategy for the marathon consisted of “one foot in front of the other”. Pleased to get a glow stick because it meant the sun had gone down and it was a lot cooler! Chris had slowed right down because of a seriously sore back, and eventually I caught up with him so we walked the last 10km together.

Neither of us had planned to finish so late, but both of us had planned to finish. We got there by knowing our limits and sticking to them (especially in the hot and windy conditions), putting one foot in front of the other, keeping up with the nutrition, and the unwavering support of our family, friends and the amazing volunteers and locals of Busselton. Next race, I plan to win my age group…. 75 to 79! Might start training after Christmas….

In from Tony. Sorry to have kept everyone up. It was not part of the race plan.
Everything went well in the swim; I didn’t think it too rough, nothing like the NE in Huskisson in the afternoon. Managed to find space and got into a nice rhythm. It was nice to have the wharf to sight to keep one on track. Water was 21 deg, could have done with the sleeveless wetsuit. Water was nice and clear. We saw a huge stingray when we went for a swim on Thursday. I was happy with my time.
Transition is different. There are volunteers who pack your stuff away, and rub sunscreen on, help in whatever way, bring water if you ask.
The bike course was interesting as it was broken up into a couple of out and backs. It was very exposed for the first half, not the smoothest of road, and a cross headwind. The next part of the course was shaded but in a wind tunnel and there were these slight rises. Coming back into town there was a stretch of hot mix and a tail wind, got up to the high 30s (speed) along that section with no effort. Back into town to head out for lap 2 and the wind had picked up; it was a hot dry wind. I picked up water, Gatorade, bananas, biscuits, gels along the way, varying what I picked up. My nutrition was hot and hard to drink; feet were getting hot and swelling in the shoes. Heard someone had recorded 40 deg along the hottest part.
The third lap was a shocker. I started to cramp in the quads as I was heading out of town, left side then right, could not put much effort into pedalling. Started into my vegemite sandwich to get some salt. Eased the cramps, but had to ration it as I only had one. The feet were getting hot and felt like I was forming a blister on the ball of my foot. Took it in turns to take the feet out of the shoes. This really helped. The wind died on the second half of the final lap where I was hoping to have made up some time on the hot mix – in the mid to high 20s as opposed to the 30s.
Got into transition, started to change into my running shorts, and cramped up in my right leg – a real good look as I now had my bike shorts off and couldn’t get my run shorts on!!!
Headed out onto the run, got to the first aid station ok, poured water over me, stuck ice down my pants to try to cool the core (yes it works) found Vegemite, had some and headed off to the next aid station along a walkway like Vincentia with no shade. There would have been about 1km of shade on the whole run lap.
After the third aid station, was feeling hot but strong. Thought I should think about technique. Felt my arms were working OK but you know the rest – stomach in, gluts engaged, pelvis on just like I had been practicing. And then it hit. I could feel cramps coming on, in the quads, then the hammies, in the inner thigh, places I had not had cramps in before! I just had to back off and it was OK, so I continued like this for about 2 and a half laps and then had to walk. Tried to run, but could only manage  a few hundred metres, so I used the aid stations as a marker – when one came into sight I would try to run to it, feed on whatever I had not taken at the last aid station and run as far as I could to the next one.
Did a lot of walking on the final lap till with 4kms to go tried to run home. More like a shuffle than a run, could not make it all the way, walked and with about 1.5 kms to go shuffled home and managed to keep it up till I got all the way under the finishing arch.
I was really disappointed with my run, but it was too late to have done anything about it when things started go wrong. Looking back I did not have enough salt for the conditions. I monitored my heart rate on the bike and kept it around 65-70% and did not feel like I was pushing it. I was not overtaking many people, if I did, they would pass me at some later stage and it went on like that. I was really glad I had done all the running training and was able to keep my wits and work on strategies to get to the next aid station. People were throwing up all over the place; lots did not finish. At no point did I feel I was going to pull out. I had enough time in reserve to get home before cut-off.
Would I do another? Not at this stage.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Have a great break everyone and hope you all return to racing fit and healthy in 2012!

FEEDBACK. Got some news or thoughts you’d like to share? ? Send any ideas, news, photos etc to Or just post on the Club’s Facebook page.


30 4 Julia ANDRE 00:31:38 12-13 yrs Female 10 00:06:10 00:16:21 00:09:06
61 9 Brooke CROSSLAND 00:35:20 12-13 yrs Female 24 00:06:50 00:15:50 00:12:39
89 2 Rebecca KENNY 00:37:56 16-17 yrs Female 42 00:06:24 00:19:27 00:12:05
149 3 Kelsey BROWN 00:49:28 16-17 yrs Female 88 00:09:12 00:26:13 00:14:02
77 3 Kim DOMAZAR 00:36:53 35-39 yrs Female 33 00:07:23 00:18:25 00:11:04
84 2 Colleen STAHLHUT 00:37:32 40-44 yrs Female 38 00:09:13 00:17:50 00:10:28
91 4 Kathy LEWIS 00:37:58 45-49 yrs Female 44 00:08:26 00:18:35 00:10:55
25 7 Cameron GALLETLY 00:30:45 12-13 yrs Male 17 00:05:52 00:15:13 00:09:40
55 2 Geoff LEWIS 00:34:49 55-59 yrs Male 35 00:07:44 00:16:56 00:10:08
71 1 Marcus VOWELS 00:36:28 70+ yrs Male 43 00:07:40 00:18:04 00:10:43

63 2 Elisha BELL 01:16:14 25-29 yrs Female 14 00:15:02 00:42:18 00:18:53
56 2 Annette SAMPSON 01:14:51 45-49 yrs Female 11 00:15:07 00:36:01 00:23:43
11 4 Tim O’SHEA 01:05:30 14-15 yrs Male 11 00:12:59 00:34:07 00:18:22
33 2 Jack STEWART 01:10:35 16-17 yrs Male 30 00:11:33 00:33:20 00:25:41
81 2 Brendon KELLY 01:18:39 20-24 yrs Male 65 00:16:13 00:39:55 00:22:30
135 4 Kial KILGALLON 01:26:55 20-24 yrs Male 94 00:16:34 00:42:42 00:27:39
60 15 Benjamin DUNCAN 01:15:44 30-34 yrs Male 47 00:17:19 00:36:19 00:22:05
9 1 Tim OCONNELL 01:04:43 40-44 yrs Male 9 00:13:04 00:32:26 00:19:12
99 11 David WALKER 01:20:37 40-44 yrs Male 77 00:19:38 00:38:13 00:22:45
66 5 Neil GALLETLY 01:16:31 50-54 yrs Male 51 00:13:47 00:37:42 00:25:01
130 3 Tony MCGOWAN 01:25:47 55-59 yrs Male 93 00:18:14 00:40:13 00:27:19
43 3 James DIXON 01:12:42 35-39 yrs Male 37 00:18:11 00:34:49 00:19:41

9 9 Mitchell BROWN 00:59:22 Pro Tour Male 9 00:10:59 00:30:16 00:18:06
11 11 Hugh HARRISON 01:01:38 Pro Tour Male 11 00:12:13 00:32:22 00:17:02

119 3 Kylie STEWART 02:05:18 40-44 yrs Female 30 00:18:51 01:03:11 00:43:16
89 1 Louise HEYWOOD 01:56:46 45-49 yrs Female 15 00:21:07 00:54:36 00:41:02
37 1 Matt LEWIS 01:43:31 15-19 yrs Male 34 00:18:06 00:52:05 00:33:19
52 2 Luke HARDEN 01:46:28 15-19 yrs Male 47 00:19:45 00:49:05 00:37:37
91 17 Anthony ATKINS 01:56:57 35-39 yrs Male 76 00:22:39 00:56:24 00:37:53
19 2 Ashley HALE 01:39:22 40-44 yrs Male 18 00:16:17 00:51:00 00:32:04
96 7 Tibor SLEZAK 01:59:28 45-49 yrs Male 80 00:19:00 01:02:12 00:38:15
105 9 Bruce PRESLAND 02:01:47 45-49 yrs Male 84 00:20:13 01:01:31 00:40:01
15 2 Bill STAHLHUT 01:37:43 50-54 yrs Male 14 00:17:22 00:50:06 00:30:15

245 11 Katie WINKWORTH 02:37:35 20-24 Female 70 00:25:05 01:20:10 00:52:19
253 7 Louise HEYWOOD 02:38:57 45-49 Female 77 00:30:51 01:14:44 00:53:22
88 5 William STAHLHUT 02:16:37 50-54 Male 81 00:27:26 01:09:36 00:39:35

940 8 Tony LIM 14:10:14 60-64 Male 757 01:16:23 06:26:46 06:07:54
1160 40 Kate MANDERSON 16:26:03 35-39 Female 232 01:39:46 07:26:59 07:07:33
1161 70 Chris VINCE 16:26:05 50-54 Male 929 01:04:21 07:08:14 08:00:49

468 84 Jeremy Sutton 00:35:24 268 00:03:17 02:54:46 361 00:04:35 02:17:39 587 05:55:39