Minutes General Meeting 19th May 2011


PRESENT: Paul Coombes, Joanne Warren, Cathy Head, Dave Edwards, Jeremy Sutton, Katie Winkworth, Bill Stahlhut, Ken Price, Marcus Vowels, Annette Sampson, Chris Stubbs, Sally Pateman.

APOLOGIES: Tony Lim, Adam Coulton, Shane Cousins, Tony McGowan, Shane Wood, Ashley Hale, Kate Mandison, Chris Vince.

CHAIR: Marcus Vowels


ITEMS 1 -3. Welcome, apologies, confirmation of minutes of previous meeting. Apologies accepted and minutes confirmed.

ITEM 4 – Matters arising from minutes. As Tony Lim was unable to attend no report was presented on progress with getting approval for the next club event. Ken Price volunteered to follow up with Tony.
– Discussion on dates of Club events. Resolved to keep to third Sunday of each month where possible. Bill Stahlhut and Tony Lim to check out potential conflicts and put together a race calendar.
– Bill Stahlhut raised need for walky-talkies at Club events. Resolved that he should investigate prices.
– Discussion on incorporating a short training session into the June event. Resolved that Jo Warren and Bill Stahlhut would incorporate into the event briefing.
– Ken Price reported problems in changing the signatories on the Club bank account. Jeremy Sutton offered to help Sally Pateman to organise. Marcus Vowels asked whether there should be a limit on the amount that could be paid from Club finances without committee approval. General discussion of the options but no limit agreed upon. It was also suggested the Club have two signatories with only one to sign. Resolved that Marcus Vowels be the second signatory.
– As financial statements had not yet been completed due to insufficient information it was resolved they be tabled at the next general meeting.

ITEM 6 – Secretary’s Report. Ken Price reported he was awaiting the completion of financial statements and changing signatories before sending the required documents to the Department of Fair Trading.

ITEM 7 – Special Projects. Bill Stahlhut reported the Club’s trailer had been ordered and was being built. Money had been collected from sponsors but it just covered the cost of the trailer – the Club will need to find another $200-400 for sign writing. Thanks to sponsors: EGR ($300 discount on trailer price), Bombaderry Bowling Club ($400), Building Revolutions, St Georges Basin Physiotherapy, Worrigee Street Medical Centre, Raine & Horne Nowra, and Bikes at the Basin ($500 each).
Bill Stahlhut congratulated for organising.
– Marcus Vowels raised need for official inventory. Ken Price reported he and Sally Pateman were still working on this.

ITEM 8 – General Business. Katie Winkworth raised the idea of getting more young people involved with the club through large fun events with local businesses making donations. Chris Stubbs suggested getting other schools apart from Vincentia High involved, particularly for competitors of late primary/early high school age. An event in November? He said it had been discussed before but there were insurance issues. Mark Emerton or Shane Wood could be approached to help organise the event.
– Discussion about past fund raising activities. Jeremy Sutton said local businesses had donated prize money for club events. Jo Warren stressed the need to be clear on what the fund raising was for as local businesses are always being approached for money.
– Jo Warren suggested a launch day be held at the start of the triathlon season with all members asked to invite 3 people and random prizes being offered.
– Chris Stubbs suggested the Club run an ocean swim event – possibly at Plantation Point in conjunction with the Sailing Club. Cathy Head said it was important to have a race for juniors as part of this type of event.
– Bill Stahlhut suggested the Club could subsidise uniforms if it could raise enough money. Chris Stubbs said funds could also be raised to look at small scholarships for juniors. Jo Warren suggested a sub-committee to come up with a plan for what the Club could do with its fund raising efforts.
– Ken Price suggested sponsors should be shown down the side of the Club’s web
page. Annette Sampson agreed to discuss this with Tony Lim.
– Chris Stubbs proposed the Club plan a launch to the season in October and explore the feasibility of and potential dates for an ocean swim early next year. Resolved.
– Discussion about two letters received by Tony Lim offering sponsorship deals. Agreed that these offers were too big and complicated.

Treasurer’s Report. Sally Pateman reported she had received a transaction listing from Adam Coulton but there was not enough detail for the Dept of Fair Trading. It was suggested Shane Wood might have the Club’s cheque books and may be able to interpret some of the transactions. Chris Stubbs suggested Tony Lim might also be able to identify which transactions related to the purchase of uniforms.
– Sally said the Club had $891.60 in the bank, plus a cheque and cash payment which Tony Lim had received and was given to Sally at the meeting.
– Ken Price said Tony McGowan was receiving a new shipment of uniforms the next day and would give the Club a list of what they had.
– Cathy Head said all but five of the bike racks used at Club events were also an asset of the Club and it also owns four swim buoys.
– Jeremy Sutton said the Club would need to purchase new warning signs.
– Sally Pateman said she would talk to Bendigo Bank and organise a change of signatories. She confirmed that the Club’s account had been opened on 28/8/08 when the Club started.

Other business. Ken Price reported on the Presidents’ Breakfast at the recent NSW Club Championships. He said two important issues had arisen.
Triathlon Australia wants to introduce compulsory membership and has spoken to triathlon organisers about this. At present entrants can purchase a one-day license as part of their entry fee and only a small proportion of competitors are TA members. Ken said race organisers had resisted the idea. One attendee at the breakfast suggested a lower membership fee be introduced but TA rejected this.
TA is introducing a junior development scheme with five races but all are a long way away. Ken asked why no event was planned for the south coast and pointed out Vincentia High School had sent 130 students to the All Schools event. He said TA appeared to be targeting elite juniors and did not regard the series as a participation exercise. However he said the federal government had allocated funding to NSW for participation and the Club should approach Phil Dally at Triathlon NSW to determine whether it would be eligible for some of this funding.
Jo Warren volunteered to contact Phil Dally and report back to the next meeting.

President’s report. Marcus Vowels delivered a brief report acknowledging Annette Sampson for her efforts with the Club newsletter, the Club’s success at Club Championships, and the success of club athletes in the Elite Energy Tri Series.

Resolved that the next general meeting by held on July 21st at 7pm at St George’s Basin Country Club and further meetings be scheduled for the third Thursday of every second month. Dave Edwards suggested the Club write to the Club asking it to waive room hire. Ken Price volunteered to write a letter.

Ken Price raised safety as a key issue for the Club and said he had organised a meeting with the Council’s safety officer on the issues faced by cyclists. He said he would report back at the next meeting. Cathy Head said his discussions could include suggestions for appropriate signage. Marcus Vowels noted that Councils also have money available for sporting projects and the Club should pursue this in its discussions with Council.

Meeting closed: 9.34pm

Download minutes from General Meeting 19th May 2011