We hope everyone is healthy and managing to stay fit during these difficult times. While the COVID situation is still uncertain we have some brilliant news. We finally have a new permit from Booderee and are able to resume group training sessions this month. Woohoo!!! A big thank you to Deb Watson who has been working for many months to get this happening again.
Our first post lockdown training session will be on August 16 at 8am at Iluka. These sessions will look a little different than they used to. All participants will be required to register in advance and we will be following the current COVID guidelines. We also now have certified traffic controllers to meet the requirements of National Parks. We’ll send a link out closer to the event with registration details and other info but for now, just mark the date in your diary and get your training gear ready. We are super-excited to be able to get members together again and looking forward to seeing you there.
With the tri season cut short this year, we have decided to change the criteria for the 2019/20 Club Championship award. This award recognises the most outstanding performance by a club member within their age group and is calculated by comparing the member’s race results to the winner in their age group. It normally takes account of your best 5 races for the season, but this year we’re reducing it to the best 3. We’d like as many members involved as possible, so just email your 3 nominated races (eg, Little Husky Sprint, Callala Club and Husky Long) using the link below and we’ll tally up the figures. Who will take the trophy from Matt Lewis this year?????
A big thank you to all the members who raced so well to make JB the South Coast Interclub champions this year. While it was disappointing not to finish the final races and truly stamp our claim on the award, we should feel proud to have finished well ahead of our nearest competitors. Take a bow everyone! Of course, now we have the coming season to plan for…. Triathlon NSW’s experts (2 of the 3 anyway) have predicted us to double up and win again this season so the pressure is on. We’ll let you know the eligible races as soon as they’re available.
The deferred 2020 Club Championships are currently scheduled for Forster on November 14th. Registration details via this link. We recognise that it is difficult to plan for “away” races in this uncertain environment so if you’re hoping or planning to go, can you let us know via the link below so we have an idea of numbers?
Don’t forget that Elite Energy is now offering a REFUND on any races cancelled due to COVID this season. This includes Club Champs and other races on the EE calendar. EE has been a generous sponsor of the Club and we encourage you all to return that support by entering upcoming races.
David Griffin,an experienced triathlete and former Bilbies Tri Club trainer, is keen to set up independent running and cycling training groups. These are not JBTC groups but open to members and Dave assures us they will be conducted in a Covid 19 safe manner.
- Running
- Hill repeats in Vincentia. Tuesday or Wednesday evenings depending on majority preference. Meet 6pm at Plantation Point boat shed and run hill repeats in Vincentia, return to boat shed. Need some high viz or reflective clothes.
- Bike Time Trialling
- Meet Thursday mornings about 9am. Occasional timed sets, interval sets etc. Various courses. For those no longer working or anyone who can make it.
- If you are interested in either group, David can be contacted on 0447 200 402 or davidgriffin3007@gmail.com
- The Club is also willing to link members up with training buddies of a similar standard via WhatsApp or Messenger groups or introductions. So let us know if you’re looking and we can try to find training buddies for you.
Given the current limits on group get-togethers, we have decided to defer both our AGM and annual dinner until later in the year. More details as they become available but now is as good a time as any to think about becoming more involved in your club. New faces are always welcome!