17th March 2011 Tri Club AGM

Present: Adam Coulton, Marcus Vowels, David Edwards, Shane Cousins, Ashley Hale, Chris Stubbs, Kylie Stewart, Colleen Stahlhut, Bill Stahlhut, Tony Lim, Paul Coombes, Pete Dooley, Sonja Hammond, Ken Price, Tony McGowen, Chris Vince, Kate Vince, Ben Duncan, Annette Sampson
Apologies: Shane Wood, Cathy Boyce, Jo Warren, Jenny Burdfield, Jeremy Sutton, Rick OʼShea, Mark Stewart, Sally Pateman, Katie Winkworth, Annette Bevan, Mandy Meredith
Adam Coulton opened the meeting
Treasurerʼs report: $1213.25 in bank
Assets: Uniforms in stock, held at Bikes at the Basin, Contact Shane to order uniforms
65 financial members
Discussion on the need to check membership at races for insurance purposes.
Need to look at one race license
Kate Vince moved to introduce a one day membership at $5 in excess of race fees, ($10 currently) and that visitors be required to fill out an application form.
Ken Price to investigate insurance liabilities. Chris Stubbs seconded, carried unanimously.
Financial Report adopted
Presidentʼs report
Discussed results from Huskisson Triathlon Festival, huge turnout and awesome performances.
All Schools. Vincentia High School 1st in state for most participants, thanks to Cathy Boyce and Jo Warren for promoting the sport Jo Warren, Ken Price, Tony Lim to have meeting with Sports Commission re junior development and funding possibilities.
Discussion on history of the club and clubʼs achievements:
Chris Vince, Tony McGowan, Tibor Slezak, Jeremy Sutton, Kate Vince, Cathy Boyce, Jon Schol, Kerry Hale all Ironman finishers.
International representation: Gareth Barnes, Annette Sampson, Mitchell Brown, Adam Coulton, Jon Schol. Tony Lim, Bill Stahlhut, Mark Emerton, Jeremy Sutton represented
Norfolk Island.
Juniors achievements: Mekaylah Burdfield, Jack Stewart, Mitchell Brown and Hugh Harrison.
The club scored a second at the Tri NSW club championships for regional clubs
Discussion on registering members for club championships
Adam Coulton reluctant to restand as president
President report adopted, moved by Kate Vince, seconded by Tony Lim
President stepped down.
Meeting closed 7:50pm
Meeting opened 7:50pm. Chaired by Dave Edwards
Positions outlined. Peter Dooley suggested that all positions be filled before that of president
Ken Price offered his services to help with governance
Junior Development – Jo Warren and Cath Boyce nominated by Sonja Hammond, Chris
Stubbs nominated self. Tony Lim suggested the title be changed to Development. All elected unopposed.
Equipment officer/race director – Bill Stahlhut nominated self, seconded Adam Coulton, elected unopposed
Publicity – Annette Sampson nominated, seconded Adam Coulton Elected
Fundraising – Katie Winkworth nominated by Tony Lim. Ken Price and Shane Cousins also nominated. All elected unopposed.
Web – Tony Lim nominated. Elected.
Treasurer – Sally Pateman nominated by Kate Vince, seconded Tony Lim Elected unopposed
Secretary – Ken Price volunteered, elected unopposed
Vice President – Marcus Vowels volunteered, elected unopposed.
President – Adam Coulton nominated by Bill Stahlhut, elected unopposed
AGM closed at 8:10
Meeting of JB Tri Club opened, Adam Coulton in Chair
Bill Stahlhut said 5 sponsors should cover the cost of trailer. Thanks to Bill, Kate, Jeremy and Mark for offering sponsorship of trailer. Adam offered to store the trailer.
Ken Price offered to check with Tri NSW insurance to see if it covers equipment
Marcus Vowels asked if new positions covered by insurance and suggested the need for position descriptions. Peter Dooley suggested position descriptions may be found via web
Ken Price to investigate new regulatory requirements
Tony Mcgowan suggested need for accessible membership list, suggested on application form a consent for details to be shared amongst members be added.
Ken Price raised need to co-operate with other clubs
Discussion start of Saturday rides, resolved to keep it at 6:30, meeting at Burton St
Vincentia. Tony Lim raised the issue of juniors and slower riders and fragmentation of the group. Suggested that it be Club policy to scoop back group.
Ken Price raised need to educate on bunch riding.
Question raised of other regular training sessions. Bill mentioned return to Vincentia Hill repeats in winter. Meeting at Boat Ramp Plantation Pt, Wednesdays at 6pm.
Swimming Saturday morning at Huskisson Beach 8:00am
Sunday afternoon ride meet 3:00pm St Georges Basin service station
Tony McGowan raised possibility of swim squad. Volunteered to talk to Vincentia Leisure Centre.
Resolved to meet 6 times a year, agenda to be sent out before meeting
Tony McGowan suggested the club look at a club championship system that included points for non-club races.
Next Meeting May 19th 7pm St Georges Basin Country Club
Meeting closed 8:48pm