Download as PDF – Minutes 17 May 2012
PRESENT: Tony Lim, Alex Organ, Ken Price, Bill Stahlhut, Jeremy Sutton, Annette Sampson

APOLOGIES: Marcus Vowels, Cathy Head, Joanne Warren, Chris Stubbs

CHAIR: Tony Lim



CORRESPONDENCE: Bill Stahlhut tabled registration papers for the Club trailer. Resolved that Sally Pateman should be asked to pay.
Ken Price tabled an email from Sally Pateman to Chris Stubbs reporting that the Club received $3027 from the Shark Bait Swim. After expenses of $491.70 this left a surplus of $2535.30

: Tony Lim congratulated all the members who had qualified for the Australian team at this year’s world championships.
He reported TriNSW was not proceeding with its motion to introduce compulsory membership of Triathlon Australia for club members at this stage. He suggested that if the proposal was renewed the club look at creating an associate membership class for members who were not serious racers.
He said the paperwork was required to be completed for the Club’s permission to hold training events at Booderee in 2012/13. Ken Price asked to follow up.


Shark Bait Swim. Tony Lim tabled a report from Chris Stubbs on the Shark Bait Swim (attached). Overall attendance had exceeded expectations and response was positive. Suggested improvements included more accurate distance measurements especially for the 1km swim (maybe re-routing it to the beach in front of the Sailing Club?), more buoys, a better way of recording times, the formation of a sub-committee to manage the event, and getting the paddleboard club more involved. Vincentia Sailing Club wants to continue its involvement.
Tony Lim moved that the Club donate $200 to the Paddleboard Club to thank it for its assistance. Seconded Ken Price. Resolved
Bill Stahlhut proposed talking to Jim Betts who runs the Mollymook Swim about sharing resources such as buoys. Resolved

Club Business Plan. Ken Price asked whether any thought had been given to the proposed business plan circulated in February. Discussion of what the club is raising money for and priorities. Bill Stahlhut suggested subsidised uniforms. Agreement that a cheap T-Shirt was a priority. Tony Lim suggested the Club could buy some to have on hand as trading stock. Other suggestions included purchase of a club tent for races and subsidising travel to Club Championships, the World Championships and young athletes.
Resolved that our first priority be the purchase of a Club tent followed by Club Clothing. Annette Sampson said money should also be reinvested in the Shark Bait Swim.
Resolved that Jeremy Sutton work with Alex Penny on using the Club logo to design new Club gear.

Bike racks. Tony Lim raised the need for extra bike racks for Club events. Resolved that Vincentia High School be asked whether it would take on the job as a project with the Club paying for equipment.

Future fundraisers. Annette Sampson suggested the Club investigate holding a mid-winter run from Blenheim Beach to the Golf Club – similar to the Balmoral Burn. Resolved that the Club explore the possibility.

Equipment register. Tony Lim suggested setting up a register of Club members with equipment they were prepared to lend out – such as bike carry cases and race wheels. Resolved that it be included on the web site.
Ken Price said the Club also needed a register of the equipment it owns with its purchase value and approximate current value.

Insurance. Ken Price asked whether it would be possible to follow-up on the preliminary work done by Paul Coombes on obtaining insurance for the Club by getting a quote from the insurance broker. Resolved that Paul be asked to work with Ken Price or Tony Lim on the necessary paperwork.

Membership. Alex Organ proposed members for the new financial year be issued with a membership card showing the name and identification number. She proposed a 2-year membership option be introduced. Discussion on the merits of this and appropriate fee levels. It was noted that some juniors are unhappy at paying the same price as seniors. Resolved that membership fees for 2012/13 be kept at $25 plus $5 entry to Club events for seniors. Juniors will also be required to pay the $25 membership fee but will be given free entry to training events. Resolved that the Club keep things simple for now by staying with one-year memberships.

Point score. Ken Price said that Mandy Meredith had suggested a club point score. Bill Stahlhut proposed a system where one point is allocated to everyone who attends a Club training event, 5 points for those who do a personal best, one point for anyone who does a race, 5 points for a podium finish, 20 points for attending Club Championships and 30 points for a podium finish there. Discussion on the fairness of this and what the Club should be looking for in its Club Champions. Annette Sampson said points also needed to be given for volunteering at Club events to ensure people were not discouraged from helping out as marshals. Jeremy Sutton proposed they be given 5 points. Resolved that Bill Stahlhut circulate a proposed points system to Committee members to be agreed on and introduced in July.

Club championships. Discussion on the merits of trying to get more members to attend Club Championships. Annette Sampson said some members had raised the need for help with transport and accommodation, some suggesting a mini-bus. Bill Stahlhut said the Club needed to work on car-pooling, joint accommodation options and transporting some equipment in the trailer.

NEXT MEETING: July 19, 7pm.

Meeting closed: 8.11pm