PRESENT: Tony Lim, Ben Duncan, Marcus Vowels, Cathy Head, Alex Organ, Ken Price, Sally Pateman, Bill Stahlhut, Kendall McMaster
APOLOGIES: Tony McGowan, Paul Coombes, Annette Sampson, Dave Edwards.
CHAIR: Tony Lim
Confirmation of previous minutes. Resolved
Matters arising from previous minutes.
– Discussion re proposal for membership card. Resolved Alex Organ to follow up.
President: Tony Lim said the training day at Husky on Sunday had gone well. Good idea to put juniors first. Bill Stahlhut followed up on BBQ equipment and presented receipts to Treasurer.
Tony reported on a teleconference with TriNSW presidents to discuss a proposal that all club members must be members of TriNSW. Cost of membership is $100 to cover insurance. Discussion re process of insurance and future of TA membership. To be presented at a future meeting when more details available.
Treasurer. Sally Pateman reported the Club has a current account balance of $2032.60. Correspondence in is a bank statement.
Secretary: No correspondence to report.
General business.
Race numbers.
Tony Lim raised a proposal to issue race numbers at the start of training events. Resolved to use them either as a pin-on number of texta.
Shark Bait swim.
Tony Lim reported TriNSW has said it would manage online registrations for a 5% fee. Date confirmed as March 18. Resolved that Tony contact Chris Stubbs to set up a meeting re progress.
Membership database.
Presented by Ken Price who is trying to clarify lists of members. He says there is no way to check membership of list. Discussion on idea to have membership software and to offer online payment in addition to on-the-day payment. Tony Lim to follow up online options. Many Meredith volunteered to handle on-the-day memberships.
Ken Price reported Tony McGowan had been in contact with Cannibal Clothing but no real update. Champion Systems will allow one-off purchases if prepared to pay freight.
Monday swim/run.
Resolved an email be sent out re Monday swim/runs.
Club Championships.
Ken Price raised the upcoming Club Championships at Forster. Tony Lim to send dates to members and ask for interest.
Membership card.
Alex Organ to follow up.
Meeting approved reimbursement of expenses.
Next meeting.
March 15
Meeting closed: 8.03pm
UPDATE- Nov 11
Date set for Sunday March 18th around Plantation Point.
Registration at Vincentia Sailing Club and then walk along to end of Nelsons for swim start. Essentially swim along Nelson, around Plantation Point and back to Sailing Club. (Option of smaller one just around the Point and a kid’s race in front of Sailing Club)
I have received an e-mail from Phil Daly GM of TriNSW which states the following:
The Insurance that is currently in place for the Tri Club Events only covers events that are held for Members only. We can arrange sanctioning of a single discipline event and the sanctioning fee, which includes access to the Triathlon Australia arranged Whole of Sport Public Liability Policy would be $270.00.
I have e-mailed him back asking how we organise that but have not got a reply. Overall I think that this is quite reasonable. I also have an option to pursue insurance from SwimNSW so I am trying to get a quote from them.
Spoke with Frances Clement. Our permit has lapsed however she has sent me form to complete to update. She does not see this as an issue. The plan is that this will not just be limited to the Shark Bait Swim but allow us option of using other beaches for Training Days.
I have received a letter from Commodore of the Sailing Club, who happens to be a personal friend which helps!! I have attached the letter. In short they are on board and have just asked they be provided with money for boat petrol and be allowed to run a canteen. Given the benefits to us of using their club house as base I see this as very reasonable.
We are on the website I had hoped to be a featured swim however this has not occurred. If you go to the date on the calendar this comes up. As it gets closer to the date it moves to the main page. (Makes you realise how many Ocean Swims there are!!)
An online entry on our Tri Club website but not sure how difficult this is.
The costs of other swims vary between $20 and $50 although I would prefer to go lower to ensure that whole families can attend. Happy for committee to discuss so have provided a starting point below.
The plan is to have 3 swims and my proposals for costs are as follows:
Shark Bait Classic (approx 1.8km) – $30
Shark Bait Round the Point (approx 1km)- $20
Shark Bait Mini (approx 200-400m) – $10
Family Entry – $50.